Implementing a Regression Decision Tree

A decision tree is a predictive modeling approach that separates data into classes using a top-down appraoch, with broader classes at the top and more specific classes as you travel down the tree. [Read More]

🍕 Predicting Tip Income 🍕

While working as a delivery driver for many years, I kept record of how much I made in tips. I decided to use that information to create a model that predicts daily tips. 🤑 To test the model, click >Here< [Read More]

📊 Replicating FiveThirtyEight Charts

The website FiveThirtyEight covers a variety of news from sports, politics, and economics. However, they are also well known for their visualizations. There is even a FiveThirtyEight style sheet in the Matplotlib library. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'fivethirtyeight') [Read More]